Sunday 16 October 2011


One day a crow stole a piece of cheese. She flew to a nearby tree with the cheese as she thought that it would be a great place to eat. A fox spied the crow and the cheese. He thought to himself that the cheese would be delicious to eat. With this in mind, he devised a plan to get the cheese from the crow. The fox said to the crow, “You are beautiful. I have never before set eyes upon such a shiny coat and sparkling eyes!” The crow was very pleased. The fox then said to the crow, “Since you look so magnificent I’m sure that your voice would also be of the same quality!” The flattery certainly made the crow feel very happy. In fact, it made her want to demonstrate to the fox how magnificent her voice was. She opened up her mouth wide and the cheese fell to the ground. Quickly the fox ran towards the cheese and picked it up. To the crow he said, “You may sing like an angel and look wonderful, however, you are not very clever!” With that, the fox ran away. The crow thought to herself that next time she would not be so easily fooled.

Moral: Beware of flatterers. They are not to be trusted.

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